Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm the Biggest Blog Slacker!!

So I am really not good at keeping our blog updated. I will get on here and see my friends keeping up with the times so here is my attempt at catching up.....
A few things have happened lately, the most exciting of them is the news that we are having a GIRL!! Hooray!! We are so excited (sorry to the family who we forgot to tell that we were expecting!) I have to say that Wyatt was the cutest when it came to the news. He wanted a sister so badly (that will probably change as they get older!) and when we told him that it was a girl he did this little jig and was singing he gets a sister, so cute! Then he said that he thinks Jesus wanted us to have a girl and just about made me cry, he's so sweet.
Another exciting thing that happened was that Jeremy passed all his requirements for the job he's been waiting on so now we are just waiting for the phone call t0 come telling us where we get to move! Exciting and nerve racking!! It'll still going to be awhile, we've been told that the wait time is close to four months and with my luck he will probably go to the academy right when the baby is due. I'm crossing my fingers that that won't happen!
Other little things that have happened... ~Wyatt started preschool and he is loving it, so is mom!!
And we are finally down to only owning three cars, that's what happens when you marry a car guy!Just kidding honey! I think on average we've always had about five!
Whew, I think that about does it for now. Until next time!